- Water treatment equipment manufacturers and assemblers
- Food service equipment manufacturers
- Water treatment component manufacturers
- Water technology companies
- Companies marketing water products & applications
to consumers
In many organizations, profitability goals often
limit the marketing and engineering resources required to effectively
support growth strategies. Further, true technology and product
innovations frequently fail to make it due to narrow market definitions.
Many innovations considered non-viable by one company often become
the springboard of the successful market entry by a competitor.
WSM can provide reliable, objective market data and help define
where current and future market opportunities exist. Further, we
can help getting to market with disciplined new product development,
testing, manufacturing support programs and then provide the required
technical and sales training support.
WSM provides water treatment companies with sound
business planning, innovative marketing, advanced product design
and technology solutions to water treatment challenges and market
- Market Research (consumer and industrial)
- Business growth planning
- Global market entry strategies
- Marketing & sales programs
- Technology and application based educational seminars
- New product development, design, performance validation
- Application diagnostics, engineering design, pilot testing,
and start- up
- Overseas sourcing of components & complete systems
- Guidance to meet state and federal regulations
- Potable, process, waste, and recycle applications