Compliance with regulatory performance criteria must be met in full during all expected operating circumstances.
However, at times, regulations for drinking water quality, water discharge, foodstuffs and beverages can be complex and changing. Product
certification processes like NSF and UL can add burden to the business development process and sometimes are only of limited value in some applications.
Regulatory compliance is generally secured by ongoing performance testing once a system has been installed. In many cases, data generated from previous
installations or site-specific pilot testing can be used for acceptance of non-conventional technologies previous to installation.
WSM is a superb resource for manufacturers and marketers to correctly address regulatory requirements via product performance verification,
review of historical data, and quantitative definition of future data requirements needed for technology evaluation and acceptance.
Regulatory compliance Services:
- Testing protocol development
- Pilot testing services
- Guidance to meet state and federal regulations
- Regulatory agency interface
- Marketing claims and performance claim development and substantiation
- Data support packages
WSM’s intimate knowledge of the regulatory infrastructure,
technology acceptance protocols, and water treatment technologies will either
facilitate your market entry success or let you know in advance if it should be